perfect makeup


We aim to exceed your expectations by providing excellent results and a stress free experience.

perfect makeup

Please consider when booking:

Healing usually takes 7 days and the skin will exfoliate excess colour naturally.
Pigment will be significantly darker, brighter and more noticeable until exfoliation occurs.
Swelling can be expected especially for eyes and lips.
The area will be tender following treatment.
Ensure you can follow the aftercare advice and avoid diary clashes with functions, work commitments, social arrangements or travel plans.
High intensity workouts, swimming, damp wet environments, wearing of goggles, facial treatments must be avoided for a minimum of 4 days.

perfect makeup


Your skin must be hydrated, healthy and in good condition to achieve a good result.
We will not work on your skin if you have a sun tan (sun damage will cause greying pigment).


Avoid booking dental or other work causing discomfort in any area of your face to coincide with your PMU appointment. We need to stretch and lean on your skin and facial areas to implanting pigment successfully and evenly.





Cosmetic eye or laser eye surgery less than 6 months ago is contra indicated to PMU eye treatment without written medical consent. 


Any facial surgery carried out less than 6 months ago please discuss with us.





Stop using Retinol (check your night cream please). Stop using hair growth stimulators.




Avoid Skin peels 4 weeks prior.

All facial aesthetics or medical grade skin treatments are contra indicated one month prior to permanent makeup.
Stop using lip plumper.





Increase your hydration levels.

Lips: use gentle lip scrubs occasionally and lip balms daily to prepare.
Brows: exfoliate and moisturise your eyebrows gently and regularly.




Wax, bleach, tints and perms must be carried out at least 4 days prior.





No Ibuprofen or Aspirin for 48 hours before treatment. (See GP if prescribed).
Avoid alcohol other stimulants that increase bleeding and bruising

We recommend Paracetamol based pain killers if required.


perfect makeup


Clear, healthy hydrated skin. Areas of infection, moles or previous skin cancers, inflammation, signs of irritation, wound or sign of wound healing are contra indicated. You must leave 1 month post any surgical or aesthetic procedure.

perfect makeup


The area treated must be kept as dry as possible and protected from sun exposure until healed.
Keep the area as dry as reasonably possible when showering or washing hair.
If recommended to use, the aftercare balm requires frequent application until healed.
Only the aftercare balm, sterile Vaseline or Bepathan should be used.



We need to know before your appointment if you have had Botox in the last 3 months. You will be asked required to to sign a disclaimer if there is evidenced of Botox or the appointment or choose to cancel.



If you are fair, we recommend you have an eyelash tint 4 days or more before your appointment.
Contact Lenses must be removed before treatment begins. Bring glasses to wear for the rest of the day. Lenses cannot be replaced until the following day.
False Eyelashes must be removed before attending an appointment and lashes must be clean and clear of glue.
Swelling, if any, will be mild and you will safe to drive yourself home immediately afterwards.



If you have ever had a cold sore (Herpes Simplex) we ask that you obtain a prescription of “Aciclovir” (Zovirax Tablets) are from your GP to prevent a further breakout which will be stimulated by treatment. This is unsightly and will contribute to poor pigment retention.
Attend with your lips their natural colour (free from lip stain and trauma).
Leave at least one month.

perfect makeup


  • Pregnant and Breast Feeding.
  • Warfarin, aspirin and blood thinners.
  • Steroids within last 6 months.
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy (until 5 weeks post treatment).
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Active skin infection, complaint or condition, wounds or incomplete healing in the are being treated.
  • Diabetes and Epilepsy (possibly with written doctors consent).
  • Use of retinols in the last 2 months.
  • Severely dehydrated skin.
  • Under the age of 18.
perfect makeup


If you have any medical conditions or are taking medications we ask that you email a list, or arrange a call with us, so we can ensure there are no contra indications or revisions to the way we treat you. Please do this before booking.


Advise us at least 7 days prior to attending your appointment if any of medical details have changed since your last visit.


If you have any special requirements that will help to make your treatment time with us more comfortable please let us know.

perfect makeup


You will be laying still for quite some time. We would encourage you to bring your headphones and enjoy your favourite music or audio book during your session.

perfect makeup


We ask that you come alone for your session. Occasionally customers ask to bring a husband or friend to help them decide on the design and colour phase, which we can accommodate, but otherwise we ask that no guests attend or remain on the premises.


Beautiful permanent makeup is an art, not a treatment.